Institution: Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Sybille Fraquelli
Sybille Fraquelli is an art historian. After studying at the universities of Bonn and Leicester (England), she worked as an editor at an international non-fiction publishing house. In 2006, she completed her doctorate at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität with a thesis on neo-Gothic architecture in Cologne, for which she received the Paul Clemen Scholarship in 2006. From 2008 to 2010, as a scholarship holder of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, she researched the building history and furnishing measures of the 19th century in the Romanesque churches in Cologne. Since 2010, she has been working at the Cologne University of Music and Dance for the university cooperation "Kolleg der Künste" - a unique association of all art and music colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia for interdisciplinary project work in Montepulciano. Since January 2021, she has been supervising the implementation of the RAPP Lab as a research assistant.