Institution: Eesti Muusika-ja Teatriakadeemia Tallinn
Kristel Pappel
Kristel Pappel, Estonian musicologist, special research areas (1) history and theory of the opera and musical theatre, (2) history of the nineteenth-century music. Studied violin and musicology at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT), PhD 2004 („Opera in Tallinn in the Nineteenth Century“). Professor for music history and since 2015 Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies at the EAMT. Several research scholarships (Stadt Lübeck; Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater, Universität Bayreuth; International Wagner Society; Viro-Säätiö Helsinki etc.). 2011–2014 guest lecturer for musical theatre at the Vienna University; guest seminars at the universities of Göttingen, Dresden, Tartu etc.
Publications: several articles in Estonian, German and English; editor (with Michael Heinemann) of the essays by Joachim Herz (3 volumes, 2010–2012, Köln) and of the anthologies about August von Kotzebue (co-operation with the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Serie Berliner Klassik, vol. 22 (2016) and vol. 25 (2017)).
See also here
Together with Theodore Parker and their team she concepts Lab 5 in Tallinn.