Institution: Conservatorio di musica Santa Cecilia Rome
Duilio D'Alfonso
Duilio D'Alfonso holds a degree in philosophy from Rome University “La Sapienza” and a PhD in Philosophy of Language and Mind from University of Palermo. He graduated in Piano and in Composition from the Music Conservatory of L’Aquila. As a composer, a number of compositions have been performed in Italy and abroad, and were transmitted in various radio programs. He taught Harmony and Counterpoint in several Italian Conservatories. In 2020 he was appointed professor at the State Conservatory of music ‘Santa Cecilia’ in Rome. Since then, he has been
teaching Harmony and Analysis, Acoustics, Music Psychology, and Philosophy of Music. As a music theorist, he works on Music Cognition, Schenkerian analysis, neo-Riemannian theory. He is also involved in theory of Musical Form (Formenlehre) and in 20th century avant-garde music.